The Soviet Store

The Soviet Store

I had a nice, long couch in the kitchen where I used to live, but here, there’s just enough space for a love seat.

Even for me, it’s too short to comfortably stretch out on, but that’s okay: there’s no dearth of spots for reclining in my comfortable, comforting home. When I found my two-seater at Restore for Habitat for Humanity, I overlooked its flaws: The price was right, and I intended to have it reupholstered and restrung. Oh well. Add that to the list of the undone.

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Baby Shower

Baby Shower

While it’s fitting that this new venture of mine should begin with a celebration of new life, it could have taken less time to write than it does to gestate a human!

Thank heavens A.B. took the initiative last summer, or the baby shower for Eli and Jen might never have happened. I’m not one for events that follow proscribed conventions, and organization isn’t a strong point, but Anna Belle Wood – who, along with brother Zack, was a frequent, beautiful presence in the home I shared with Eli, Anda, and their father Ande for two decades – is supremely organized, creative, and energetic. She is such a joyful instigator!

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